Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson is a veteran digital rights activist Eric Johnson has architected or managed projects supporting independent media and networks, uncensored internet access, pro-cyberliberty internet policy, and progressive national ICT regulatory frameworks on all continents—throughout the post-socialist space, the Balkans, Palestine, Nigeria, Zambia, Ethiopia, Syria, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, Nicaragua, and many others. He has taught cybersecurity workshops to hundreds of activists, journalists, and lawyers in over a dozen countries. He also works on developing and deploying online privacy-enhancing/security-preserving technologies, e.g. Tor, Ricochet, Lantern, GlobaLeaks, and CertainTLS. An American born in Africa, he has lived/worked in Australia, China, France, Russia, and Singapore. He studied at Grinnell College, Georgetown University, the Pushkin Institute, and the University of New South Wales / ADFA.