LL.M. Cost and Payment Information

Each course in the LL.M. program has a unit/credit value based on the difficulty and number of hours of study. (The credit value of each course in the LL.M. program is listed next to the name of the course on the curriculum list.) You must study for a total of 36 units/credits, to complete the degree. The Regular Price of courses (current as of November 10, 2023) is 24,500 rubles per credit/unit (or 29,500 rubles if you are a company student) for students in the Pericles LL.M. program (multiply the unit/credit price times the number of credits in the course to find the price of one course). This makes the total cost of the LL.M. degree 882,000 rubles (1062,000 rubles if you are a company student) over 2-3 years (or approximately 122,500-171,500 rubles per semester) although most students save money by registering for courses early (see below). Some courses are offered at lesser prices, meaning that your cost could be less. Pericles reserves the right to change its pricing and exchange rate policies without notice. Please note that you can take up to three years to complete the degree, and therefore can take a smaller number of courses at a time if your budget is tight.

Early Registration Discount

Note that to encourage students to register for courses by the registration deadline, the Early Registration Discount of 2000 rubles per credit is available to all LL.M. students who register before each smester's published deadline. To get an early discount students should register for a course online and pay the tuition deposit of 9000 rubles before the registration deadline.

Regular Advance Payment

Students should pay a deposit of 9000 rubles per course at the time of registration, with the outstanding balance paid a week before the start of classes. Note: Students do not need to pay for the entire LL.M. program at one time. You only pay for courses as you take them each semester.

There are four ways to pay, detailed below. The advanced payment and deferred payment do not require students to submit an application for financial assistance. The final two--needs based tuition grants and work study--are designed for students with limited resources and require students to submit a separate application.

Leading Students Scholarship

Pericles offers scholarships for two exceptional students for up to 90% of the LL.M. degree's cost. These Leading Student Scholarships are reserved for students who have participated in the Russian National Rounds of the Jessup Completition, or for students who reside or studied in the locations outside of Moscow (regardless of Jessup participation). Applicants must apply within two years of finishing full time law study at their first university.

LL.M. applicants should also have proven Legal English and academic skills to be considered for the scholarship.

For more details about the Pericles Leading Students Scholarship for New Graduates please see here.

Competitive Scholarship

Pericles offers Competitive Scholarship for New Graduates which is open to applicants who are 20-25 years of age and are either graduating this year from a bachelor's, specialist, J.D., full time magister or attending a full time magister, LL.M., candidate, PH.D. or equivalent second law degree program.

LL.M. applicants should also have proven Legal English and academic skills to be considered for the scholarship.

Scholarship recepients pay the reduced amount of tuition for the first 10 units/credits. Students graduating from non-Moscow schools will pay less for the first semester to ease travel, moving and transition costs.

The scholarship is competitive, meaning scholarship recepients must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 in order not to lose their scholarship after the first 10 units/credits of courses.

For more details about the Pericles Competitive Scholarship for New Graduates please see here.

Deferred Tuition

In the deferred tuition program you must write to and obtain the permission of Pericles Admissions Director. If permission is granted, you may split your payment into thirds. You are required to pay 1/3 at the beginning of the month that classes start, 1/3 at the end of the first month of classes, and 1/3 at the end of the second month. A fee of 1000 rubles per course may be charged for this option. Deferred tuition is only available for courses that take 12 weeks or longer to complete.

Financial Aid to LL.M. Applicants

If you need to apply for other needs-based financial assistance, you should first complete the LL.M. program application, checking the blank that says you will be applying for financial aid. We will not consider any applications for financial aid until after you have passed the admissions test and been admitted to the LL.M. program. When you submit your LL.M. program application we will then give you a financial assistance application which will ask you for information on your earnings and monthly expenses. The application also asks you to explain in writing what aid you want to receive and why you believe that you deserve it. This application must be completed by the date listed on the application schedule. After your application is received, it takes approximately 2-3 weeks to make financial aid determinations.

Tuition Grants (Needs Based Scholarships)

If you do not have enough money to pay for your LL.M. courses, then Pericles and our law firm sponsors can help by offering a tuition grant (sometimes called a scholarship). These are on a competitive basis, considering needs, academic qualifications, and the total amount of money that we have available at the time. The terms of these tuition grants vary according to your circumstances and the requirements of the grantor, and may require that students maintain high grades. Most of the time, grantees must reapply each fall semester.

At the moment, approximately 10% of our students are receiving full or partial tuition grants. The average amount of the tuition grant is about 30% Students who are employed are not eligible for more than a 50% grant.

To apply, you must usually fill out a financial aid form disclosing all sources of income as well as any financial obligations, and be sure to check the box saying that you are applying for a scholarship.

Students who apply for needs based tuition grants are automatically also considered for any merit based scholarships that they may be eligible for.

Please note that tuition grants do not cover the administrative fee of 9000 rubles for any course.

Work Study

Work Study is an excellent way to cover tuition costs for students who also need work experience in order to be competitive in the job market. Work study tasks may include doing a particular job for Pericles (for example assisting a professor with research) or may include working on a pro-bono project or for a non-profit organization. Successful work study students finish the semester with a valuable CV entry and new skills, as well as with cheaper tuition costs.

Work study students work an agreed upon amount of hours for an agreed upon discount from tuition costs for each hour that they work. For example, if Pericles agrees to give a student work study for the amount of 20,000 rubles at 400 rubles per hour, then the student must work 400/20000 hours (ie 50 hours) during the course of the semester at an agreed upon task. If the student works all the agreed upon hours, then the tuition costs are reduced by the whole amount. If the student works less, then the student still owes the remaining tuition costs minus 400 rubles multiplied by however many hours the student did work. Students keep track of their time during the semester, and the professor or pro-bono supervisor signs off that the work was done.

In rare cases, particularly for students traveling to study in-person from outside of Moscow, work study may be offered to help you cover living expenses as well as tuition costs.

To apply, you must usually fill out a financial aid form disclosing all sources of income as well as any financial obligations, and be sure to check the box saying that you are applying for work study.

Students who apply for work study are automatically also considered for any merit based scholarships that they may be eligible for.

Please note that tuition grants do not cover the administrative deposit fee of 9000 rubles for any course’s price.

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