About Pericles

Pericles is a small, non-governmental adult education center based in Moscow, Russia. It is a totally Russian legal entity acting under Russian law. We specialize in global legal skills training.

Since 1997 Pericles has offered legal skills, business skills, and test-preparation courses taught by highly qualified professors from all over the world.

In 2002, we launched Pericles LL.M. Program, which, ever since, has been graduating lawyers who are succeeding in some of the world's top law firms, corporations and organizations.

In 2020, we expanded on our LL.M. program by launching the Pericles/Delaware Law School dual M.J. program to give our students the chance of an American dual degree at an affordable price.

Our emphasis is on practical skills for lawyers, and our mission is to prepare our students for career success.
If you have any questions, feel free to write us at info@pericles.ru or call at +7 495 649 2273, + 7 916 085 5274.

Учебно-консультационный центр

Автономная некоммерческая организация

Почтовый адрес: 109147 Москва, ул. Марксистская, дом 34, корпус 7, этаж 1

тел: +7 495 649 2273, +7 916 085 5274, e-mail: info@pericles.ru

регистрация в УВМ ГУ МВД России по г. Москве №7271, лицензия на образов. деятельность

№ Л035-01298-77/00179882 от 26.07.2021, ОГРН №1027739105536, ИНН 7710261786

Our Structure
Pericles' educational programs are divided into several departments:
  • our long term LL.M. and M.J. programs
  • our skills courses that are available even separate from our longer programs
  • preparatory courses in English skills for lawyers
  • in house training for law firms and corporate legal departments

We also help students who want to study abroad. We help students define their goals, choose a college or university, write their applications, obtain scholarships, and prepare for entrance exams such as TOEFL and GMAT.

Pericles' Law Department offers legal skills courses for practicing lawyers, law students and paralegals. These skills are seldom taught in Russian law schools, but are highly sought after by law firms worldwide. Regularly offered courses include legal writing, contract drafting, and business and legal negotiations. We also present courses in-house for various Moscow offices of foreign law firms.

Our Law Department program includes Russia's first LL.M. program in Global Business Law. The program is taught completely in English by professors from all over the world. The program includes a heavy emphasis on skills courses and critical thinking, is guided by the requests of Moscow's foreign law firms and companies, and is geared towards lawyers wanting a career in international business law practice.
General Information

Pericles has all professors from all over the world, who are fully degreed, experienced and qualified to teach their subjects.

Pericles courses are taught completely in English.

Pericles frequently sponsors guest visits from representatives of famous business and law schools, from law firms, and from funding organizations such as the Muskie Program and the Ford Foundation. These visits give our students the chance to meet and ask questions to these representatives in a small, private atmosphere (averaging 15-20 students in a meeting).

Pericles is a non-profit, tuition funded institution. However, to the extent funds are available we offer many students the opportunity to study on full or partial scholarship on the competitive basis.

Mission Statement

Our goal is to help students get an international education and to succeed in the top multinational law firms and companies in Russia and abroad. Pericles professors and courses have helped students get into some of the best Western B-schools and law schools, such as Wharton, Harvard, INSEAD, LBS, Northwestern, Duke, UCLA and Berkeley. Our Alumni work in firms and companies including Baker & McKenzie, Morgan Lewis, Lovells, White & Case, PWC, Mars, Sony, the ICJ, the EBRD and many more. Our students are successful because they are extremely bright, completely bilingual and highly motivated, and because, during more than two decades of experience in the Russian market, we have developed highly effective methods of training. Our mission is to continue that high standard of quality into the future, and to expand with more international programs and course offerings that are unique to the Russian educational environment and continue to attract the best and the brightest students in Russia and beyond.

As a non-profit organization, all our resources go into helping to improve our programs and our services to students. Our students' success is our success. All tuition money paid for our courses goes towards hiring the best teachers, providing the most benefits for our students, and developing better and better programs and facilities.

Although we work closely with Western organizations and universities to get the latest information for our students, we are not funded by any government nor paid a commission by any Western university. Our independence is important to our mission of giving students objective educational and career advice, and ensuring that our programs are driven by student and market needs, thus imparting unbiased, practical and meaningful information to our students.

Our Founders
Marian Dent
Marian Dent obtained her Juris Doctor from the University of California, Berkeley (Boalt Hall) in 1988. After graduating, she joined the Washington, D.C. law firm of Kirkpatrick and Lockhart (now K&L Gates), and worked in the fields of East-West and international trade, securities and general business law before moving to Moscow in 1992 to direct the Moscow office of the American Bar Association. She became the Dean in 2002 and taught Legal Writing, Intro to American Law, and short courses in Contract Law and Contract Drafting at the Russian Law Academy of the Russian Ministry of Justice, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Moscow State University Law Faculty, and the Russian School of Private Law. She also started the first Russian Jessup International Moot Court competition.
Vladimir Lissniak
Prof. Vladimir Lissniak, RF Honored Human Rights Defender, President of Pericles, has extensive experience in public, private and NGO sectors, diplomatic service, law practice, and academic activity. He has worked as a consultant in the Moscow Mayor’s Office, and for the Administration the RF President. He has been practicing law privately for the last 30 years for Russian and foreign clients in courts of general and special jurisdiction in a number of countries and the European Court of Human Rights. Mr. Lissniak has taught American Business Law, Banking Law, Negotiations and other courses in the Institute of International Law of the Russian Ministry of Justice, MGIMO, the Higher School of Economics, University of San Diego (California), the American Institute of Business and Economics (AIBEC), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. He was chief editor of the Russian edition of “Banking Law” by prof. Gavalda and prof. Stoufflet (France).