Aim of the course
The course aims to provide an introduction to English law and the English legal system for Russian-qualified lawyers, with a particular emphasis on the law relevant for business transactions.
Starting with an introduction to the particular features of English law as a common law system, it will include a detailed review of contract law, company law, tort law, and the law of equity and trusts.
The course has a practical dimension: we will look at transaction documentation drawn from legal practice to illustrate the issues under discussion. The course will also cover dispute resolution in a transactional context.
Eligibility for the course
All students admitted to the Pericles LL.M. program are automatically eligible for the course. Other students may be admitted at the discretion of the Dean, Admissions Tutor or professor. All potential students are expected to have an advanced knowledge of spoken and written English.
Structure of the course
The course involves 24 contact hours, taught over twelve two-hour sessions in the evening (19:30 to 21:30, Moscow time), usually on Mondays but with several sessions on Fridays. The sessions will be primarily lecturer-driven, but may also involve practical exercises.
Course materials
In advance of each session I will provide readings, which will principally consist of relevant court judgements (“case law”) and articles written by law firms on particular issues.
Assessment will be on the basis of:
Course professor