Отзывы студентов о нас

  • Anton Ivanov
    Всем привет. В двух словах — Перикл, это возможность осуществить свою мечту и получить международное образование если нет возможности для переезда. Многие владеют своей практикой, годами нарабатывают клиентов, и при всем желании учиться за рубежом не могут оставить бизнес. Я открыл для себя много возможностей, о которых даже не подозревал и уверен, что Перикл поможет мне развиваться в дальнейшем.
  • Valeria Natsvina
    Я пришла в Перикл изначально на курс юридического английского. До этого я проходила много разных курсов повышения квалификации, поэтому мне есть с чем сравнить. Из курса юридического английского (преподаватель Эми Кузнецова) мне сразу стало ясно, что подход здесь серьёзный и немного отличный от российского. Во-первых, у кого учиться юридическому английскому как не у юристов из англоговорящих стран? Ведь юридический английский — это не только английский, это и право тоже. За каждым термином стоит правовое понятие, а не просто слово. И юрист донесёт смысл этого понятия. Тем более что не все понятия из англо-американского права вообще есть в российском праве. Во-вторых, американские преподаватели все же имеют другой подход. Они вдохновляют, заинтересовывают, а не просто учат. Потом я взяла курс правового письма (Legal Writing) у декана школы Мэриан Дент. И на этом этапе я окончательно осознала, что я хочу здесь учиться дальше. Курс правового письма — самый полезный курс, какой только можно вообразить, для любого юриста, работающего с иностранными заказчиками/коллегами. Это мощная перепрошивка для российского юриста. Нас в России не учат этому нигде: вот этому переводу с юридического на человеческий, этому адекватному изложению сложного простым языком. Этот курс рекомендую просто всем. Теперь я студент программы LL.M. и хотя это непросто, я очень довольна. Преподаватели профессиональные юристы из западных юрисдикций, каждый профессионал в области, в которой преподаёт. Подход к преподаванию американский: много интерактива, много драйва, очень интересно и процесс построен так, что невозможно расслабиться, но это не в тягость. Много возможностей для нетворкинга, со мной учится много классных ребят, увлечённых профессией и успешных в ней. Разумеется, все обучение проходит на английском полностью. В общем, Перикл — без преувеличения уникальное образовательное учреждение для юристов, заинтересованных в изучении западного права.
  • Julia Buzykina
    Люблю это место всем сердцем, и на то есть несколько причин.
    Указание этого вуза безусловно украсит ваше резюме — повысит шанс устроится на хорошую работу, но лишь следствие, а не причина.
    Pericles прежде всего это про высокий уровень преподавательского состава. Всегда смотрите, какой background у того, к кому идете учиться. В основном в Pericles преподают действующие или бывшие американские и европейские юристы. Это возможность перенять стиль мышления, узнать от первоисточника. Такого вам не даст российский юрист, даже с самым классным образованием и опытом. Хотите быть лучшим? Учитесь у лучших.

    Второе — это среда. Среда талантливых и целеустремлённых юристов, где классно расти в процессе. Где люди потом общаются после окончания, помогают советом и даже с работой. Потому что студент/выпускник Pericles это уже давно узнаваемый бренд.

    И очень важное — это невероятно теплая атмосфера внутри. Атмосфера понимания и хорошего отношения. Ты как будто попадаешь в семью. Мэриан и Владимир крутые юристы и замечательные люди, и вокруг себя притягивают таких же.

    Считаю, свое решением об обучении в Pericles входящим в топ 5 ключевых решений, которые круто повлияли на мою жизнь. Счастлива быть причастной.
  • Victoria Vasyutinskaya
    Два с половиной года назад я начала свою учебу здесь. Очень сильно сомневалась, что смогу учиться, потому что мой уровень владения английским языком не казался мне достаточно высоким, чтобы изучать право. Но я сдала вступительный экзамен и начала учебу. Поначалу было невероятно сложно, но все равно безумно интересно. Я буквально влюбилось в американское право после уроков Эми Кузнецовой. Legal Writing с Лиан (Leanne Striegel) был самым сложным курсом, но вместе с тем очень полезным. Я использую полученные на этом курсе знания при составлении процессуальных документов, написании заключений для клиентов и, безусловно, качество моих документов вырасло очень сильно благодаря этому уникальному курсу.

    За время учебы я встретила очень много талантливых и целеустремленных молодых юристов. Это внушает надежду на то, что российское право будет развиваться, несмотря ни на что. Однажды Эми Кузнецова спросила нас: «Как вы думатете, как американские судьи могут писать такие блестящие решения, с таким прекрасным правовым анализом и ссылками на все прецеденты?». Конечно же мы сказали, что-то про очень высокий уровень их опыта и образования, после чего Эми сказала, что значительный вклад в эти прекрачные решения вносят те юристы, которые представляют интересы сторон и готовят свои позиции для суда. Чем выше качество их работы, тем выше качество правосудия. Очень надеюсь, что так будет и у нас.

    Спасибо Pericles за то, что эта школа дает возможность понять работу других правовых систем, увидеть право глазами прекрасных профессоров, каждый из которых имеет за плечами огромный практический опыт и щедро делится этим опытом со студентами.
  • Svetlana Maslova
    Hello everyone! I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated teachers and administration at Pericles. Their commitment to excellence has truly made a difference over the years.

    Pericles isn't just about mastering legal English, maintaining discipline, and honing our case briefing skills. It goes beyond that - it infused us of the ability to apply diverse legal reasoning and address complex domestic legal issues.

    While my work in a Russian company primarily involves Russian law, thanks to Pericles I've broadened my horizons and now I can approach legal problems in fresh, creative ways.

    Looking back on my time at Pericles, I can't help but acknowledge how much it's shaped me personally. It's helped me build confidence, set and smash my goals, and taught me to brush off the doubters and challenges that come my way. My profound gratitude to Pericles for shaping me both professionally and personally!
  • Galina Grishina
    I am a head of legal division at Multibonus (a company that operates bank loyalty programs). Unfortunately, I do not use any form of English in my day to day activity, and I thankful to Pericles for such opportunity, besides the knowledges in foreign jurisdictions. I believe that experience I have been obtaining in Pericles is extremely useful now and further down the road. I am happy to study at Pericles and to be a part of community highly qualified people.I strongly recommend Pericles everyone who wants to expand consciousness, develop logical thinking and keep open mind.
  • Natalia Yurshina
    My passion lies in international law, and I am fascinated by negotiations between companies from different countries for mutual benefit. However, my ambitions to contribute to this global arena remained unfulfilled until I discovered the Pericles Center for International Legal Education in Moscow. Here, I've found an opportunity to delve into the complexities of international law. Although this path is fraught with challenges, I enjoy the opportunity to solve complex problems and expand my knowledge within a community of experienced professionals. At Pericles, I am continually impressed by the commitment to providing students with relevant courses led by top-level professors, ensuring that we stay up to date with the latest developments in the field.
  • Sergey Gurin
    Pericles law center became for me not only a very good law school which teaches law at a very high level, but also an opportunity to change my attitude to studying process as a whole, because Pericles despite seeming simplicity while presenting materials (sometimes and only in my personal opinion) demand very deep analytical skills both when completing writing and reading assignments and discussing a lot of different US and UK cases. Every time when I come to the Pericles' classes I feel that I'm in a professional environment with highly qualified practitioners in an international center of education. You help me to build my career and feel confident that I do exactly what I need.
  • Kamilla Ishmatova
    I Have completed half of my LLM in the Pericles. It has been a unique and enjoyable experience. I find the courses very interesting and fruitful in many aspects, mostly because they are practice oriented and I can apply the obtained knowledge in my work. I want to express my highest appreciation to the Pericles team and professors for their professionalism, support and dedication to their work. You help not only to obtain a deeper knowledge of international business law, but also motivate students for personal growth and bigger goals in a friendly atmosphere surrounded by like-minded people.
  • Emma Zarubina
    Pericles is a place to start thinking outside the box. Here, you truly learn lateral thinking and challenge yourself. For real, where else can you learn an entire legal course with memes from your favorite TV-series? The hypotheticals professors come up with, besides being entertaining and fascinating, give you an opportunity to learn transferable skills. Every single class is practical, with heated discussions among students and professors, so you just can't stay away! At Pericles, you rub shoulders with passionate students, who are bright and with different legal backgrounds. It truly gives you motivation to keep up with your own intelligence to grow along with them. For me Pericles feels like a place where you can push the boundaries even further and grow both professionally and personally. My special thanks to Marian, whose personal approach and feedback helped me to develop my own style of lawyering.
  • Ivan Gavrilov
    Almost two years ago, I decided to enter the LL.M program and in hindsight, this was just the right thing to do. But inching my way into American law has still been a bumpy road.
    Pursuing a Pericles LL.M means devoting your heart and soul to your studies and never giving up until you reach your goal. Studying there is challenging but well worth it. Pericles professors will, of course, teach you law, but also so much more: how to improve your critical thinking, to speak and write English better—to make something more of yourself. Words can’t express how much I want to thank Pericles professors for that!
  • Michael Kuznetsov
    I am happy to study here and every day I feel my knowledge in the field of law is increasing. And I am glad that not only doctrinal knowledge about law, but also soft skills are taught, which can be immediately used in practice. Thanks to Pericles for the opportunity to grow and develop as a professional, new acquaintances and interesting classes.
  • Anastasia Shashkina
    I am very excited and grateful for the circumstances that prompted me to apply for the LLM here. It has only been two months since the program began, but I already realize how valuable this period will be for me. Studying at Pericles is quite challenging, but it definitely gives you a big boost to your growth with the bonus of meeting smart and interesting people.
  • Svetlana Dubrovina
    Throughout my legal career, I have worked in international law, and I currently lead the Intellectual Property Practice for a large international FMCG Company. Studying at Pericles has given me the opportunity to improve my knowledge of international law, enhance my abilities in negotiation, and develop my English writing and speaking skills further. I would also like to express my gratitude to Pericles professors and staff for the incredible support they extend to all their students.
  • Margarita Sologubenko
    I am a private consultant and advise clients on M&A and JV issues. I also participate in research with a focus on data governance and commercialization. Prior to that, I headed the M&A practice of one of the Russian legal firms for more than 10 years, where I led projects on legal structuring and investing in various jurisdictions.
    To be honest, this is my second attempt here at Pericles.The first time I joined Legal Writing I was in 2013, but then the citation rules seemed so far from my day-to-day professional tasks that I didn't make it through. Almost 10 years later, having completed a master's degree in IT/IP Law at the Higher School of Economics, I decided to give myself another chance with Pericles. Last summer I completed the Language of Contracts course and after that dived into the LLM. I am grateful to the Pericles team for their support and attention, and to all my classmates for sharing their experiences and making a great company for classes.
  • Anna Fetisova
    I cannot recommend Pericles LL.M. highly enough. Pericles LL.M. will help you to expand your legal knowledge in global business law and develop practical skills beyond the law. The program is a very challenging at times, but it definitely will help you grow.

    I am a big supporter of lifelong learning. You can join the program at any stage of your career and take advantage from it.

    I was very glad to meet so many bright and dedicated colleagues here. Pericles legal community is truly wonderful
  • Ilya Gribenchuk
    Why do I love Pericles?
    For me, personally, Pericles is much more than just knowledge.
    It’s people: I’ve learned a lot (and continuing to learn) not only from professors who are true professionals, but also from my smart classmates.
    It's a competitive but warm atmosphere.
    It’s such a place where you could gain a high standard of lawyering and figure out which legal advice is actually good advice.
    Seriously, guys, stop wasting time and jump into Pericles!
  • Marina Zarembo
    I was happy to take two courses from Pericles school: Legal Writing I and Language of Contracts. Taking two courses simultaneously along with work and home duties was a challenge, but I managed it!
    Legal Writing is a mix of education that includes theory and practice, students’ network and a warmhearted communication with Professor Marian Dent. Due to her professionalism, students graduate with developed logic of legal writing. Now I can do client letters, law office memoranda, instructional letters, presentations, and can apply "IRAC" technique to my documents. During classes we also completed exercises on topics such as punctuation, using active voice, structuring sentences, organizing paragraphs, and creating logical flow between paragraphs. Another course was Language of Contracts. In the beginning, the course seems to be quite easy, but don’t take it for granted. This impression is created due to the professionalism of Professor Sergey Danilov. In reality, the amount of knowledge he has given us within 12 classes is such, that after graduation I am listening to the recordings of classes for the second time and taking notes of aspects I did not manage to write down for the first time. Overall, I highly recommend Pericles Law Center in general, and such courses as Legal Writing and Language of Contracts in particular.
  • Oxana Kuzyaeva
    It is quite a long and complicated story about my way in the field of American Business Law education. In 2020 I received my LL.M. degree in Global Business Law at Pericles Law Center and in 2021 I received my MJ degree in corporate law at Delaware Law School. I am very much grateful to the dean of Pericles – Marian Dent – who inspired and convinced me to join LL.M. program. It allowed me to make a leap in my career.
    The dual program at Delaware Law School is a great opportunity to receive knowledge in the area of American Corporate Law. Now there is a tendency among Russian IT projects to establish business in Delaware because the Delaware Law is the most developed and flexible for these purposes. At Delaware Law School I have received complex knowledge in the areas of compliance, corporate and business law which I am successfully applying in my current projects.
  • Andrei Kolesov
    Before applying to Pericles in 2018, I took considerable time deciding whether I could manage in-depth studying western law while working in a tough mode. Furthermore, by that time, I already had a PhD degree, advanced education in alternative dispute resolution at ARGE, Vienna, and more than ten years professional experience, being an attorney at a well-known law firm in Moscow. However, I commenced studying at Pericles, and today realize that this decision was a turning point in my career.

    Faced with international transactions, I significantly benefited from the Pericles LL.M. program by improving my analytical legal writing and contract drafting skills, developing case law legal research abilities, and enhancing familiarity with main concepts and mechanisms in the realm of general common law. While studying, I moved from a senior lawyer to the Head of Transactional Structuring and Support at the international investment group where I currently work. No less important, I became a member of the bright and talented Pericles legal community, to which I am proud to belong.

    Studying western business law gives you an opportunity to see each time the full legal picture at issue, and thus, be more advanced and effective than if practicing apart of well-structured legal knowledge. Having graduated from Pericles, I advise my colleagues and fellows not to hesitate in achieving their professional objectives by getting a western style legal education.
  • Larissa Kariagina
    In 2021, I completed my LL.M. degree in Global Business Law at Pericles Law Center. This education was a challenging and exciting experience. The studies required time, concentration and dedication. In exchange, I had a brilliant opportunity to acquire new valuable knowledge indispensable for lawyers in a contemporary business environment. For these 2.5 years, I have improved my oral and writing skills, upgraded legal reasoning and presentation abilities, identified numerous blind spots, and had an excellent opportunity to redress them in a company of like-minded dedicated people under the direction of the esteemed professors and practicing Western lawyers.
    The studies challenged and shaped my professional and personal qualities, but also inspired me and made me feel more confident in my competence. I have taken all this precious experience and hope to maintain the bonds with the outstanding people I met here.
  • Anton Maltsev
    What I learned is not a bare knowledge of American and European law or legal terminology. It is that ability to think analytically and system-wide, the way of looking at things: conducting research, spotting issues, assessing risks, finding solutions. This is what law firms look for in job applicants. I thank Pericles for the invaluable skills they taught me.
  • Maria Kosova
    When I started the LL.M. program, I was still a student. By the time I graduated, I was already a legal assistant at a major international law firm. I am not afraid that my career will stop progressing because the skills and knowledge I received at Pericles form a solid foundation for my further self-development.
  • Stepan Sultanov
    I am grateful to Pericles for all my professional achievements. I used to dream about moving to Moscow, and Pericles granted me this chance. I used to dream about practicing international trade law, and I was hired by the Pericles’ alumnus to work in the international practice of the largest Russian IT-distributor. I used to dream to get into international arbitration community, and another Pericles’ alumnus hired me to the international arbitration practice of the top Russian law firm. Pericles is ready to fulfill your dreams. To allow Pericles to do that, you need just to work hard and keep you mind opened.